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How To Fall In Love With Reading?


Reading books is an enjoyable and enriching pastime. Unfortunately, in today’s fast-paced world, many of us are used to stimulating the brain in completely different ways. For instance, scrolling through social media is effortless and enticing entertainment. It doesn’t require the ability to concentrate on one task. We casually switch in and own our social media apps and practice multitasking. As for me, I’ve recently found myself having a bunch of tabs open, from websites covering local news to YouTube and 22Bet.

However, the reading habit has numerous benefits for our overall well-being. Reading improves our cognitive abilities: it trains memory and logical thinking, increases vocabulary, and teaches you how to speak and think. Regular reading protects you from such a dangerous disease as Alzheimer’s disease (scientists have proved that reading reduces the risk of developing this disease over time). How to indulge in a reading journey and get the most out of your reading experience? Here are the tips on how to improve your relationship with reading and enjoy a journey of the mind.

Look For Books That Interest You

To start your reading journey, it is important to pick something you might be interested in. Would you rather delve into a world of romance novels or detective fiction? Or maybe you would like to get inspired by biographies of famous people? Reading non-fiction (journals, newspapers) is more suited for people who aren’t into make-up stories. The choice of a book also depends on your emotional state at the moment. If you want to be entertained, choose something light-hearted.

A great alternative to watching a horror movie can be enjoying a mystery novel. History buffs will like the historical setting. Try to analyze your interests aside from the books and explore different literary genres and authors. To get ideas on the choice of the literary genre, listen to a book-talking podcast and read reviews on new books. Ask your friends if they have recently read something interesting, or read the reading recommendations from https://www.whatshouldireadnext.com/.

Make Reading Part Of Your Daily Routine

Start reading constantly and create time for reading in your daily schedule. For example, start reading two pages from your current book before going to bed. Otherwise, you can pick particular days per week. You shouldn’t be hard on yourself and plow huge books, especially if you aren’t used to reading books. Try to develop an affinity for reading books over time and start loving the process of reading. To focus on the story, eliminate all the distractions. Put your phone in Airplane mode or turn it off, sit in a comfortable position, and immerse yourself in a world of fantasy (or non-fiction!).

Try To Connect To The Stories You Read

This tip is essential for those who prefer fiction to other literary genres. Yes, yes, many of us still can’t read. And we’re not talking about putting letters into syllables and syllables into words and so on. That’s not enough. You need to learn not only to read, but also to do it fully, that is, to get into the essence of what you read. If you run through the lines, you probably just do not understand what the book is about, and therefore it immediately seems uninteresting to you. Be sure to imagine each situation proposed by the author, fix in your imagination the facial expressions of the characters, their facial expressions, emotions, and so on. If your imagination does not work yet in full force, then choose a book whose author has described each situation in detail. Illustrations will also help. You will be able to immediately build visual images. Also imagine that you are not reading a book, but watching a fascinating movie. Permit yourself to escape the daily routine.

Pick The Preferred Reading Format

Last but not least, a reading format also can enhance your reading experience. Sometimes the look of a book is more appealing than the content. Go to a bookstore and choose a book that gives you a pleasant tactile and visual experience. Open it, leaf through it, touch it, and look at the cover or pages. To begin with, you should pick books with hardcovers, smooth and bright covers, and pages made of high-quality and pleasant-to-touch paper. You can choose an edition with bright pictures that will stimulate the imagination and excite the imagination.

Enjoying reading is easy, you just need to find the right approach to this pastime. Grab the book and unlock the world of knowledge!