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5 Weight Loss Myths You Should Stop Believing


Weight is one of the most common issues that everyone worries about losing fat. Maintaining a healthy weight is important for all of us. It requires a lot of effort and dedication to shed pounds. When it comes to weight loss, it is important to maintain an active lifestyle as well as consume a healthy diet. One cannot make up for the other and both are important. Losing weight, getting into perfect shape, or getting rid of belly fat is something that’s on everyone’s mind. An improved weight decreases the risk of stroke, improves heart health, promotes better mindful sleep, mobility and boosts energy. Weight loss has always been a very challenging and complicated process. When trying to lose weight, it can be hard to sort through the myriad conflicting information.

Here is the list of 5 weight loss myths that one should stop believing:

Eating less can help with weight loss

Losing weight in a typical manner is a gradual process and eating fewer means starving or not eating healthy enough. Eating less for a certain period of time might help in weight loss but it’s certainly not a healthy way to lose weight. Instead, there are many risk factors involved in eating less such as fatigue, diarrhea, nausea, constipation, and much more. Eating less causes metabolic rates to shut down. Eating less may restrict you from getting the required vitamins and minerals leading to various problems in the body. Instead, the more ideal way to eat and lose weight is eating moderately. It is always recommended by health experts to eat moderately with the right diet.

Carbs promote weight gain

Carbohydrates are essential for the body and its movement. It’s all about consuming the right carbs. The right amount of carbs does not promote weight gain when consumed in a limited amount. Refined carbs can be harmful to the body as they have no nutritional value. Gaining weight is directly related to consuming extra calories, not by eating carbs. In fact, carbs are the body’s main fuel source. They play an important role in brain function, memory, digestive system, and more. Therefore, they are a necessary part of every day’s diet but consuming way too much is certainly not recommended for a healthy diet.

Starving can help in weight loss

Starving has a far-reaching negative impact on the body. The overall metabolism of the body slows down due to prolonged starvation. Though for a while the body might lose weight, the body is likely to gain weight again after some time. Thus, starvation doesn’t help in weight loss in fact it leads to long-term weight gain and slower metabolism for the body. Moreover, it decreases energy levels and the body works less effectively. Therefore, starvation puts the body in an unhealthy state. In short, 3starvation leads to temporary weight loss but permanent damage to the body.

A combination of lemon and coffee aids weight loss

Drinks, juices and beverages have a high content of antioxidants and help the body to detox. They indirectly don’t help in weight loss. One such myth is related to the lemon coffee drink for weight loss. Caffeine increases overall metabolic rate while lemon is full of antioxidants and Vitamin C. You may have heard of a TikTok trend that encourages taking coffee-lemon drinks for weight loss. In fact, this lemon coffee mix can’t melt body fat but it indirectly helps in boosting the metabolism and improving the quality of life. Overall, this combination doesn’t guarantee that one can lose weight, so finding other ways to achieve weight loss will be better.

Weight gain is inevitable after 40

Many individuals and adults gain weight as they age. But it’s not true that weight gain is inevitable. It’s all about hormones and the speed of metabolic rate. Hormones and metabolic rates fluctuate with age. Wellness experts at Health Canal recommend following regular exercise, a protein-rich diet, and avoiding sugar intake to maintain a healthy weight. It’s a fact that life becomes less active after your 40s but sticking with a daily healthy routine, exercise plan, and staying stress-free is all that is required for a healthy weight. The best starting point for getting back in tune with the body as one enters their 40s is to keep a heart-healthy diet and exercise.

Weight loss advice is often doled out on social media and other unreliable mediums and trusting such advice may harm your health in the long run and also make you gain weight, instead of helping you lose it. The Internet is full of misinformation, therefore, getting aware of myths and facts is important. Losing weight and its process seems frustrating. There’s a lot of patience and effort required to get back into shape.