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How To Recover Data From Your Broken Android Phone


Dropping your phone is never fun. Breaking the screen, losing all your contacts, and losing your memories are just some of the things that can happen when you accidentally drop your device. However, there is hope! You can recover data from your broken Android phone.

Recovering Data With Your Broken Android Phone

There are many ways to do this with different levels of difficulty. Some methods require you to root your phone, making it more difficult. But don’t worry about breaking your phone if you use these methods.

The first method uses the Android Debug Bridge (ADB) to pull data off your device. ADB is a powerful tool that can help you root your device and install a custom recovery. If you have a broken screen or a soft-bricked device, ADB can help with any issue. The second method is to use Universal Androot from the XDA Developers forum. This helps with most issues without needing to root your device. The third method is to use DiskDigger from the Google Play store. It can recover deleted files from various devices and operating systems, including Android devices like the Samsung Galaxy series and Nexus series.

Going Straight to the Cloud

If you want to get your data off your broken device without too much hassle, go straight to the android broken screen data recovery. Also, you can log into the Google account that you used on your phone and access all of your data from there.

This is a great way to recover data if you don’t have a backup copy of your contacts or other important information. It doesn’t require rooting or hacking, but it does require a working internet connection.

Using an External Device to Connect to Your Android

If you have an external device, you can connect to your phone. By clicking your broken Android phone to a computer with a USB cable, you can use programs like Data Rescue 3 or Photorec to recover data. You can also connect it to a Mac or PC with a micro SD card adapter and use programs like PhotoRec or Recuva.

What You Can Recover From Your Broken Android

Photos: Photos and videos are the most common data types found on a broken Android phone. Devices can store photos and videos in different formats and locations, so it is best to use a recovery app to find them no matter where they are. To recover photos, you should use Photo Recovery. You can also try PhotoRec for video recovery.

Contacts: It is never easy to lose your contacts when you have an Android phone. If you have synced your contacts with Google, then they’ll be backed up automatically with no extra effort needed from you. But if syncing didn’t happen, there is still hope. Some recovery apps allow you to import contacts from Gmail or Outlook onto the new device, which means all your contacts will be saved with a few clicks.

Text messages: Rooting your phone may be necessary to recover text messages, but it doesn’t have to be. Many apps can extract text messages if rooted or extract text messages no matter what phone it is with another app. Text messages are saved in the same place as other data types on an Android phone, which makes finding them easy for some recovery apps.

Call logs: We all make calls throughout our day, which means we need our call logs to keep in contact with others. Luckily for us, recovering these logs is possible on any phone through an app like Call Recorder Unlimited


Data recovery happens all the time. Don’t let your broken device discourage you—the good news is you can recover data from your broken Android phone by following one of these three methods. Your choice depends on the level of data loss.